CP Phase 2: Gut & Immune Support
Building on the detox traction you gained in Phase 1, it’s time to start running any unwanted guests out of town. Phase 2 focuses on removing pathogens and deep-rooted toxins that could be holding you back from true health.
Phase 2 includes:
Proper oxygen levels are a requirement for efficient cellular respiration. Oxygen is a highly reactive element, meaning that it bonds easily with so many other elements. This has proven a challenge in efforts to create oxygen supplements that have the ability to go systemic, and not just die in the gut. Our science team has overcome this obstacle, using proprietary processes that stabilizes HydrOxygen and push it through to the organs, tissues, and cells that it needs to impact in order to accomplish its mission without dissipation or diminishing effectiveness.
At the heart of CT-Minerals is the naturally occurring, highly refined, and naturally chelated extracts of Fulvic Acid. This means 100% organically complexed nano-sized molecules which can penetrate human tissue and blood cells easily. With over 69 naturally occurring, plant-derived trace minerals and twelve amino acids, this supplement is highly bioactive and can perform numerous biochemical and metabolic detoxification functions.
Advanced TUDCA
TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic acid) is a water-soluble bile acid and liver helper. It's present in small amounts in your bile and is naturally produced in the body. TUDCA helps stimulate the release of bile into your gut and detox a whole range of potentially harmful substances, including those generated during metabolic processes and contaminants from your food and the environment.
BioToxin Binder
BioToxin Binder promotes the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* It lends increased support to the gut microbiome, which optimizes immunity and digestive function.* The addition of Carbon Technology also supports cellular repair and increased energy production.*BioToxin Binder is an ideal first-step detoxification support supplement.* We recommend taking it prior to Carboxy, HM-ET Binder, or ViRadChem Binder.
Para 1
Para 1 is CellCore's flagship digestive support product. It contains 100% pure Mimosa pudica seed, which is fat-soluble and gels up when mixed with liquid. In the digestive tract, the powdered seed absorbs fluids and changes consistency. It becomes jelly-like and sticky as it cleanses the gut and grabs and escorts unwanted elements out of the body.
Para 2
Formulated after years of development, Para 2 is a multi-herb supplement specifically designed to maximize the body's ability to protect against unwanted elements and support digestive health and function.
KL Support
Coupling a unique blend of natural ingredients (including NAC, milk thistle, parsley gynostemma, collinsonia root, beetroot and marshmallow root) with our powerful Carbon Technology, this product supports and promotes healthy kidney and liver function. As an integral part of the body’s cleansing and filtering system, proper kidney function is essential to any detox protocol.
Formulated with Carbon Technology
Carbon Technology is a proprietary blend of fulvic acids, humic acids, and polysaccharides that support cellular repair and the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* With a low pH, Carbon Technology also helps protect ingredients from being digested by stomach acid, so that they remain intact as they enter the desired location in the body.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.